Operational Strategies in Treatment of Old Cervical Dislocation Combined with Facet Dislocation 陈旧性颈椎脱位并关节突交锁手术策略
Treatment of old acromioclavicular dislocation by coracoacromial ligament transposition and tension-band fixation 喙肩韧带移位结合张力带固定治疗陈旧性肩锁关节脱位
Objective: To investigate surgical strategy and short-term clinical outcome for old dislocation of the subaxial spine. 目的:探讨下颈椎陈旧性脱位的手术治疗方法及近期疗效。
Open reduction and fixation was performed in 2 patients of the other 3 with old dislocation, and no reduction was given to the last case. 陈旧性脱位的3例,其中2例行切开复位内固定,1例放弃复位。
Old Traumatic Dislocation of Hip Joint in Children 儿童陈旧性外伤性髋关节脱位
Objective To study operative treatment and recovery methods of traumatic elbow joint damage with old dislocation and osteo-ankylosis. 目的研究陈旧性肘关节脱位并骨性强直的手术治疗和康复方法。
Treatment of Old Ankle Fracture-Dislocation 陈旧性踝关节骨折脱位的治疗
Treatment of old acromioclavicular dislocation by reconstruction of acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments 重建肩锁韧带及喙锁韧带治疗陈旧性肩锁关节脱位
The causes and operative treatment of old Monteggia fracture and dislocation in children 儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折的形成原因及手术治疗
Objective To evaluate the outcome of a new treatment for old distal interphalangeal joint fracture dislocation in children. 目的探讨儿童远侧指间关节陈旧性骨折脱位的治疗方法及疗效观察。
Objective To observe the clinical results of improved Weaver's method for treatment of old severe acromioclavicular joint dislocation. 目的观察改良Weaver法治疗陈旧性重度肩锁关节脱位的临床疗效。
Methods We treated 9 child cases of old distal interphalangeal joint fracture dislocation combined with bone and cartilage deficits by free bone cartilage graft. 方法采用游离骨软骨移植术治疗小儿伴有骨软骨缺损的远侧指间关节陈旧性骨折脱位9例9指。
Objective To study the value of and points for attention in reduction with high weight traction and internal fixation of anterior fusion in treatment of old dislocation of lower cervical spine. 目的探讨大重量牵引复位前路融合内固定治疗陈旧性下颈椎脱位的价值和注意事项。
The Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Traumatic Old Atlantoaxial Dislocation 创伤陈旧性寰枢椎脱位的诊断与手术治疗
Conclusion The short-term result of total metatarsophalangeal arthroplasty for treatment of OA, RA, hallux rigidus, old dislocation of metatarsophalangeal and avascular osteonecrosis of metatarsal heads is satisfying. 结论人工跖趾关节置换术治疗严重的跖趾关节骨性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、跖趾关节陈旧性脱位、!僵硬及跖骨头缺血性坏死的近期疗效较好,优良率高。
Seven patients with old dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb were treated by repairing dorsal and lateral ligaments and obtained satisfactory results in 8~ 37 months postoperatively. 对7例陈旧性拇指腕掌关节脱位的病人进行背侧和外侧韧带的修复,随访8~37个月,证明有很好的治疗效果。
Treatment of old dislocation of lower cervical spine by reduction with high weight traction and internal fixation of anterior fusion 大重量牵引复位前路融合内固定治疗陈旧性下颈椎脱位
Conclusion The injury of sciatic nerve on total hip replacement usually results from by old acetabular fracture dislocation or unsuitable position of hand fingers of the persons or screw. 结论在THR术中陈旧髋臼骨折脱位、拉钩的位置不当、螺钉固定髋臼位置不当均可以损伤SN。
Objective To observe the effect of occipitocervical fusion for old atlanto-axial joint dislocation under fixation of Halo frame. 目的观察在Halo架固定下枕颈融合治疗陈旧性寰枢关节脱位的效果。
Objective To compare the results of different operative methods for old acromioclavicular dislocation. 目的比较分析应用不同手术方法治疗陈旧性肩锁关节脱位的疗效。
Diagnosis and Treatment of Old Solitary Dislocation of Radial Head in Children 儿童陈旧孤立性桡骨头脱位的诊断治疗
Treatment of old dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger in children ( report of 18 cases) 儿童陈旧性示指掌指关节脱位的治疗(附18例报告)
The surgical procedure and results of posterior "A"-shaped bone graft fusion and wiring fixation in 20 patients with old atlantoaxial dislocation and instability were reported in this paper. 报告20例陈旧性寰枢椎脱位和不稳的后路人字形植骨融合钢丝内固定术的治疗方法和结果。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy on transposition of pronator quadratus myoperiosteal flap for treatment of old distal radioulnar joint dislocation. 目的:探讨旋前方肌骨膜瓣移位治疗陈旧性下尺桡关节脱位的疗效。
Occipitocervical Fusion for Old Atlanto-axial Joint Dislocation under Fixation of Halo Frame Halo架固定下枕颈融合治疗陈旧性寰枢关节脱位
Methods 20 cases with old chronic acromioclavicular dislocation were treated with hook-plate combined with reconstruction of coracoclavicular ligament using coracoacromial ligament. 方法20例陈旧性性肩锁关节脱位的病人采用锁骨钩板联合喙肩韧带重建喙锁韧带治疗。
Manually reduction and plaster fixation with O-shape for treating old dislocation of shoulder: A report of 21 cases 手法整复O形石膏外固定治疗陈旧性肩关节脱位21例
Transoral Transpharyngeal Approach with H-V Ring for Severe Old Atlanto-axial Dislocation 经口咽齿突切除结合H-V环复位治疗重度陈旧性寰枢椎脱位